Workout of the Day
5 sets for load:
3 power cleans
6 alternating front rack lunges
On today’s barbell complex, athletes will perform 3 touch and go power cleans directly into 6 total alternating reverse lunges. Rest 3-4 minutes between sets and build up to a challenging load by the final sets.
A1: Single Leg Barbell RDLs
A2: DB Bench Press
A3: Ring Rows
Work up through three progressively challenging sets of each exercise. For the AMRAPs, terminate your set with 0-1 reps in reserve or if your technique begins break down.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/6)
Get you a partner that watches your lifts like Sara does to Sofia.
15th Anniversary Party Questions
A couple responses to questions we’ve been asked!
Q: What should I wear?
Whatever you would normally dress like to go meet up with other humans at a bar. If you’re the kind of person who is a little extra, follow your instincts.
Q: Can I invite everyone in my building?
No. This party is for CFSBKers past and present their partners and friends of the gym.
Those are really all the questions of note but if you have any others, drop a comment.
Unfortunately we can’t make the celebration. Will there be a live feed?
yes theres a live feed but its only viewable from inside the venue :p
For exclusive inside content make sure to stay tuned to @tpsmith22 on the gram. and also @cfsbk
*must be 18 or over. Terms and conditions apply*
did somebody say……EXTRA?!!?
*air horn sounds*