Workout of the Day
SKILL: Toes to Bars
AMRAP 12:00
5 Kipping Toes to Bars
10 DB Strict Press
15 DB Front Squats
Rest 6:00
AMRAP 12:00
Jog 130m
1:00 Lateral Plank R
1:00 Lateral Plank L
Hit one of the AMRAPs followed by a 6 minute rest then switching.
For the T2B/DB segment, move at a faster clip. If your Strict DB Presses go away you can transition to push presses.
On the Run/Plank segment move at a steady aerobic pace and try to go unbroken on the lateral planks.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK8/8)
CFSBK OG and Front Desk Hall of Famer Camillionare going overhead
R.A.D. coming to CFSBK on 10/8
Save the date, our shoe collaboration with R.A.D. is releasing soon and we’re going to have a special event to celebrate. On the Saturday of the 8th there will be a special group class workout and an additional floater workout in 608. The RAD team will be here with shoes, a taco truck, the gym decked out and a special guest! CFSBK members will be able to RSVP to the event before we open it to non gym members. Stay tuned!