Workout of the Day
Back Squat
E3MOM x18:00
1 Rep
Work up to a heavy but submaximal single through the 6 sets. Ideally you work up to about 90-95%+ of a recent 1RM. Compare to week 1 of the cycle if you were here!
3 Progressive Sets for quality and load of:
A1. 10 Push Presses
A2. 20 (Total) Back Rack Reverse Lunges
These movements should be performed as a superset with enough rest before going again. The Push Press and Lunge weight doesnt necessarily have to be the same each set but could be.
10 PP @ 75lbs
20 LGS @ 75lbs
10PP @85lbs
20 LGS @95lbs
10PP @95lbs
20 LGS @105lbs
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK8/8)
CFSBK fan favorite Shawn C recetly graced evening OG with her presence.
CFSBK 15 Year Retrospective
Homegrown Coaches
Did you know most of our coaches were once members? Currently on staff, Jeremy, Whitney, Brett, Katie, Erick and Lynsey all started out as group class members. This holds true for most of our former coaches as well. Over the years many people have expressed interest in coaching at CFSBK and when the circumstances and fit were right, we brought them on full time. Pictured above is Coach Whitney when she worked as a manager at lululemon. The local store contacted David about trying CrossFit and he was strangely more than happy to provide free private classes for the group. After the program ended, Whitney kept coming to group classes regularly and after expressing interest in coaching she transitioned careers. The photo above was in 2010 not too long after moving into 597.
I wanted to “like” this post but it’s not on social media so I have to go through all this trouble to comment. 🙂
We appreciate your sacrifice, Spirit 😛