Workout of the Day
Push Press
Work up to a heavy double on the push press taken out of a rack. Make sure to keep your midline TIGHT and avoid hyperextension as the weight goes up. Also make sure not to push jerk the weight you little slippery snakes.
5 Rounds for reps of:
1:00 AMRAP Wall Walks
1:00 AMRAP Double Unders
1:00 Rest
Bias quality over quantity on the wall walks and aim for ~3-5 reps per minute. If you have one single solitary Double Under in your arsenal, DO DOUBLE UNDERS today. This workout is a great opportunity to get 5 minutes of dedicated jump rope practice in. Throw out that warm safe blanket of single unders.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK4/8)
Morgan and Brad would like you to meet Jack!
Hello!! Attached is a photo of the 3 of us. My reflections on training through pregnancy…
Congratulations Morgan and Brad, and welcome to the world, little Jack!
Congratulations!!! 🎉