Workout of the Day
Pause Front Squat:
3×4 @ 21×1 tempo
Based on how the first 3 weeks of the cycle went, reset today at a slightly heavier load than you’ve been working with so far. Keep in mind that you’ll have another volume build over the second half of the cycle… 4’s today, 6’s next week, 8’s to finish off!
For Time:
400m run
20 back rack reverse lunges
30 barbell upright rows
20 back rack reverse lunges
30 barbell bent over rows
20 back rack reverse lunges
30 barbell bicep curls
20 back rack reverse lunge
Use an empty barbell. RX 45#/35#
Lunges are total reps: 20 alternating, 10 each side.
3 sets:
1:00 easy bike
10-15 reps each: single leg calf raise off riser
5-15 sec each side: single arm active bar hang
Make sure your knee stays straight through the whole set of calf raises.
On the hang, scale back to a two-arm hang for 10-30 sec if single arm is not in the cards for you yet.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK4/6)
Think your post workout glow is as majestic as Mikey’s? Think again sweetheart <3
CFSBK Pride Fundraising
Thanks to everyone who participated in our Stonewall workout this weekend. We ran our classic CrossFit version of it as well as a Short Circuit version to include everyone. Through the day we had 119 people perform the workout and CFSBK pledged to donate $10 per person who completed the workout with the total funds split between both organizations.
Amount: $ 595.00
Date: June 26th, 2022 8:07 PM
Transaction #: AE6F23AB:1656288475
The Marsha P. Johnson Institute
Amount: $624.46 ($595 + Processing fees)
Transaction Date: 06/26/2022
Transaction ID: T8094267
Thank you to everyone who contributed to these great causes themselves as well!!!