Workout of the Day
A1: DB Z Press
A2: SA Bench Supported DB Row
B1: Seated Lateral Raises
B2: Biceps Hammer Curls
Superset the Z Presses and Rows before transitioning directly into the lateral raises and curls. Each set should feel progressively more challenging. If your arms are still a bit blown up from Murph just go easy today on these. If your biceps have a lot of localized DOMs skip the hammer curls.
5 Rounds For Time:
16 WTD Step-Ups (alternating)
8e SA DB Push Press
16 Sit-Ups
If you’re still working out that Murph soreness consider just going bodyweight on the step-Ups. Use the Same DB for your step-ups as your DB Push Presses.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK12/12)
Elad forgot his weighted vest at home so decided to just carry this dog around through Murph
Thank you to everyone who donated to K9’s for Warriors!! We raised over $2,000 this week!!!
I love this photo so much.