Workout of the Day
Shoulder Press
85%TM x 5 Reps x 2 Sets
5 sets x 2 Reps
The final wave of this 12 week cycle! Get after it, ya’ll.
Int+: We’ll perform the 85% and 90% weeks then go for a 1RM on the final week.
Novice: This week and next will be 5×2 across and should feel like you still have 1-3 reps in reserve. On week 12 we’ll 1RM
8 Rounds for time of:
15/12 Bike Calories
9 Kipping Toes to Bars
6 Push Jerks
Partners alternate complete rounds until each person has performed 4 for a total of 8 rounds.
KT2B: 9 Kipping / 6 Kipping or Strict / 9 Hanging Knee Raises / 15 Sit-Ups
Push Jerks: Should be unbroken each round
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK10/12)
Lying Triceps Extensions are a great pressing assistance exercise.
Murph Options
People often understandably get some “sticker shock” when they see what Murph actually entails:
For Time
Run 1 Mile
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile
If you have a weighted vest, wear it.
But as everything with CrossFit, this workout can be modified for anyone’s abilities. Modifications can be broken down into three categories.
Volume Modifications
This simply means decreasing the total number of reps or the distance on the run. A common sub would be to do 3/4 of the volume on the calisthenics or 2/3 distance on each of the mile runs. You can decrease volume across the board, or only on the movements that you struggle most with.
Movement Modifications
If any movement is outside of your ability to perform, even with decreased volume we can easily modify the exercise. Push-Ups can be taken from the knees or elevated, pull-ups can be ring rows or banded and the run can be subbed for a row if needed as well.
Sequence Modifications
Finally, perhaps it’s just the muscular stamina that will catch up to you. For example if Push-Ups are the hardest part of this workout, you can perform 20 rounds of:5 Push-Ups, 5 Pull-Ups, 5 Push-Ups, 15 squats to break up the push-ups into two sets of five.
Here is an example of a version that uses all three modifications in different ways. This person can perform the runs and squats but requires some modifications on the upper body exercises. They’re also not sure about the 20 rounds so are going to plan for no less than 15 and if they’re up for it, maybe make a game time decision to add the last five rounds.
Run 1 Mile
15 Rounds of:
5 Knee Push-Ups
5 Ring Rows
5 Knee Push-Ups
15 Squats
Run 1 Mile
We will provide some standard options and also happy to discuss what makes sense for YOU in these final few weeks leading up to Murph. For most people this workout takes somewhere around 45-60 minutes to complete and is what you should aim for. The goal is to find a version that will CHALLENGE you to finish, but at the same time be realistic and achievable within that time frame. Happy Murphing!!
REGISTER FOR MEMORIAL DAY MURPH (you can also register directly on the Zen Planner member app)