Workout of the Day
Bench Press
85%TM x 5 Reps x 2 Sets
4 sets x 4 Reps
For both tracks, take 4 progressive warm-up sets prior to your first work set.
Int+: This is our third wave of this 5/3/1 cycle. If things have been going well, add 5lbs total from three weeks ago and aim to get 5-8+ reps on your
Nov: This is our first of three weeks performing 4x4s. Add 5lbs total from your last 3×6 effort and hit all your reps!
AMRAP 12:00
6 Kipping CTB Pull-Ups
8 Push-ups
10 Kettlebell Swings
Move at a quick but sustainable pace for todays workout. Kettlebell swings should be heavy. If high volume push-ups are easy for you use two DBs to create a deficit and make sure your chest hits the deck.
Pull-ups: CTB/ kipping / jumping CTB / 3-6 strict or banded.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/12)
Ryan Harrity Murphin it up
The Push-Up
The push-up is a litmus test for how much you care about movement quality. For those with the strength to perform them for reps, it’s easy to get soft around the edges. A little bit of bend at the knees, letting the hips and low back drop down, getting that chest almost all the way down. Be better. Be relentless. Make every rep perfect. Every single time. Don’t be loser. Live forever in the pursuit of excellent movement quality, even in the most basic of exercises. Be a golden god of good form.