Workout of the Day
Turkish Get-Up
In no more than 8 total sets, work up to a technically sound single using a DB or Kettlebell. Take your time at each position and focus on stability over top end weight.
For Time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of
Kipping Pull-Ups
Today’s workout should ideally be pretty short and mostly unbroken. Choose a medium heavy deadlift weight that will allow you to keep pace with the pull-ups. (+/155/135/115/95/75/-)
If you don’t have kipping pull-ups, sub banded pull-ups such that you to hit the first set of 10 in one set. Otherwise Ring Rows are a great option.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK6/12)
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Photo by Aaron W
The Turkish Get-Up
This is a great short tutorial on how to perform the Turkish Get-Up. There are a few variations, some with subtle changes to individual parts of this sequence and others that are wholesale changes to the pattern. The version illustrated below is our favorite version as it doesn’t require high levels of flexibility and allows for heavy loading.
For loading, always use a DB or KB. Barbells may look cool but are more trouble than they’re worth and are unsafe to bail with if a rep is missed. Fun story, when coach David was working at Equinox he was doing a Barbell TGU and lost control halfway up and dropped the barbell directly on his hand which blew it up to twice its original size. Lessons were learned.
the cash is mine
To verify, we’ll need to know how much you’ve got in there mr. smith
lol, is that an Aaron photoshop job?
If it isn’t, then it’s potentially a No Country For Old Men situation.
What’s the most you ever lost in a coin toss?