Workout of the Day
Back Squat
90%x 3 Reps x 2 Sets
3 sets x 8 Reps
INTM: Determine your “Training Max” by taking 90% of a true 1RM you’ve established in the past 6 months. Then, take 90% of your training max and perform two sets of 3 reps. For your third work set, perform as many reps as you can leaving 1-2 reps in reserve. Your goal should be to get 4-8 reps with a cap at 10 reps.
NOV: Perform 3 sets of 8 reps at the same weight. This is our 2nd week doing 3x8s with one more to go next week. You should feel like you could do another 2-4 reps if you had to.
5 Rounds For Time:
40 Double Unders
20 DB or KB Front Squats
This workout should be around 10′ or less. Choose a medium/light weight on the Front Squats that will allow you to perform all the DB Front Squats either unbroken or in at most two sets. (..35/20/15..)
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/12)
Lorenzo digging deep on deadlifts!
Using your time in Strength Segments
One of the biggest mistakes we often see people make in their strength segments is getting to their working sets too soon and not resting enough in general. To maximise your effort on each lift you should be carefully monitoring the clock to get as much rest as possible between sets. This will allow you to produce the best effort every time you get under the bar. Its OK to literally be sitting there for 3 minutes or more doing nothing if you have the time. Even if you feel ready for your next set, your body is still chemically replenishing the ATP in your muscles that allow you to produce force.
This cycle we have three working sets on each of the dedicated lifting days and it should take you 8-12 minutes of progressive warm-up sets to get to your first work set. Here are two examples of 20 and 15 minute segments and some examples of warm-up sets and time stamps regarding when to start your working sets. In the latter example you just need to move through your warm-up sets a bit quicker. Planning ahead on what your weight jumps will be is extremely helpful to make sure you’re staying on task versus trying to figure out what you should do next while at the gym. As always- your coaches are available to help you with a warm-up progression and provide feedback on weight selection and rest periods.
20:00 Lifting Segment with three work sets
Warm-Up Sets
Working Sets
@ 12:00 Set 1 (115×3)
@ 15:00 Set 2 (115×3)
@ 19:00 Set 3 (115×7)
15:00 Lifting Segment with three work sets
Warm-Up Sets
Working Sets
@ 9:00 Set 1 (75×8)
@ 11:30 Set 2 (75×8)
@ 14:00 Set 3 (75×8)
Varied Not Random #38: Lifting Shoes, Belts, Knee Sleeves, etc. – Necessary or not?
“I want you to fail because you’re not strong enough. I don’t want you to fail because you didn’t rest enough.” Some of the best advice I’ve gotten in this gym!