Workout of the Day
Shoulder Press
85%x 5 Reps x 2 Sets
3 sets x 8 Reps
INTM+: Determine your “Training Max” by taking 90% of a true 1RM you’ve established in the past 6 months. Then, take 85% of your training max and perform two sets of 5 reps. For your third work set, perform as many reps as you can leaving 1-2 reps in reserve. Your goal should be to get 6-12 reps with a cap at 15 reps.
NOV: Perform 3 sets of 8 reps at the same weight. You should feel like you could do another 4-6 reps if you had to. There are two more weeks of 3x8s.
AMRAP 14:00
14 Cal Row
14 Box Jump Overs
14 DB Push Press
Challenge yourself on the push press weight (+/50/35/20/-)
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/12)
So sad the Open is over right???? Right?????
Congrats to everyone who completed all three workouts in this year’s Open! What were your favorite to least favorite workouts in this year’s open and why?? We’ll have the full results tomorrow as the leaderboard takes a day to actually settle in.
Here’s coach DO’s answers:
Favorite: 22.1
I usually don’t like low skill engine workouts like this (because I do poorly in them!) but I felt pretty happy with my pace and performance on this one. I went to a very uncomfortable place and stayed there for a long time. No wasted time on transitions and all the movements were short enough not to blow you up. Also great to have the Spirit of CFSBK, Lizzie D as my judge!
Middle 22.2
I came into the Open with a back strain so seeing this workout made me pretty nervous. Even warming up for it I was tentative if I’d give it a real effort or just try to do a few reps to put up a score. Once I got going it felt good and actually kept feeling better the farther I got. Also- unlike everyone else in the world my back felt a ton BETTER when I was done. Move well people. Also this one gets bonus points because of the CrossFit Games athletes in the room when I did it at Rogue HQ.
Worst 22.3
I kind of assumed I’d clear the BMUs and get a few cracks at 135 but it was not meant to be. This was hard to anticipate how it would go because people were all over the map with this one. Some really fit folks not making it to or past the BMUs and some high level gym people finishing it. I’m not sure if I had been more aggressive with my pace how much farther I’d get. Those 115lb thrusters were tough and I lost a lot of time staring at the bar. After 7 BMU I had three misses in a row so sort of hit a wall.
Overall a fun open! I wish there was a 2 part workout that had a lift in it but I’m overall pleased with the events. I feel like I gave each workout a proper effort and have no regrets about any one performance.
I was very happy with how to open went this year. I wanted to get top 20% and I just skirted by.
All three events did feel like they had something that favored me which was nice.
22.3 beats out 22.1 cause I just really loved getting to test my gymnastics skills in a similar way as 21.3 and see what got better and what still needs work. The 135# Thrusters were gross but I didn’t have to do many which was nice.
22.1 “should have” been my favorite. Low weight all engine used to be my jam….. the new wall walk standard made me nervous and I still don’t really know if it affected me or if I just got in my head about it.
22.2 Gross. That many deadlifts…too heavy for me…not enough time to do them. The chaos that I felt during the workout not understanding the “over bar” part of the standard 👎. Only redeeming quality was that my score actually wasn’t bad but my hamstring is still fighting for it’s life 12 days later…..
Really happy with the FNL stuff and getting to hang and workout with all the lovely people at CFSBK ❤️
I loved that the open workouts were more accessible to everyone to do Rx! Although selfishly, I wish there had been pistols. The Rx weights were doable but a ‘reach’ for me – which turned out nicely because that meant no matter where I landed, it would be more than I previously thought I could do!
22.1 That 35lb dumbbell snatch was intimidating for me. In a regular WOD I’d probably have chosen 25lb. The fact that it goes over your head was scary! But – with the help of my judge Maria H and some cheer squad including Karl reminding me as always to “squeeze and believe” – I was able to get so many more reps than I thought I could!
22.2 That barbell weight was intimidating for me! lol – My last tested 1RM was 193 so…yea it’s pretty far up there. Again, I just took my time in every set up and did one rep at a time. Shoutout to my judge Camille for cheering me on and for ignoring my bad form in my last few reps at my request.
22.3 I don’t jump rope (shin splint city) so it was great to cheer others on instead!!
It was SO MUCH FUN to be at Friday Night Lights/Fever again. Like the before times, but even better!
Love the 3 week open; it’s a great way for me to assess where I am; fitness, strength and skills. My “failures” lead to goals. This year was my first at 55+, lighter weights! Its also a great mental challenge; game planning and adjusting. It’s also such a great vibe in the gym; both FNF and Saturday group classes.
22.1: Wheelhouse. lower skill, long time domain, 35# a very manageable snatch for me. My best performance.
22.2: The most weight I’ve ever lifted. Dropping from the top each rep was the way to go; I wish I had pushed more at the end, but a win because glutes were sore, not my lower back.
22.3. Dubs have left me cursing in previous opens; 42 unbroken here was so fun after the work to get them. My shoulder doesn’t allow for stringing together pull-ups of any sort here; maxed this one for sure.
Cant wait for next year.