Workout of the Day
5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
12 Deadlifts
15 Burpees
Try to go a little heavier on the deadlifts in today’s workout, something that will challenge you for the 12 reps per round and in the later rounds perhaps require you to perform them in 2 sets. (+/225/185/155/135/95/-)
3 Sets of:
8-12 Bent Over Barbell Rows
25 Tuck-Ups
Bent over rows come from the hang today, not from the floor (those are Pendlay Rows). Try to get your back as horizontal as you can and use a grip width that feels comfortable for you.
Tuck-Ups should be performed unbroken or in as few sets as possible.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/12)
Connor wondering if he turned off his stove mid 22.2
Training Cycle: March 4th-May 30th
The following 12-week(!) cycle will take us from the end of the Open to Memorial Day Murph. The primary lifts will be programmed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and will follow two tracks based on experience. The other days (Monday/Fridays/Saturday/Sunday) will have some common themes to balance out the week, but given the extended nature of the cycle will not have dedicated lifts assigned to them. Some days will be skill work followed by a longer metcon, some days will see straight lifts and assistance work, while others might just be a longer partner workout. You know, constantly varied, functional movements at relatively high intensity(TM). As always, attention will be paid to weekly volume, joint balance, energy pathway balance and adapt as the cycle progresses.
Tuesday: Shoulder Press
Wednesday: Back Squat
Thursday: Bench Press
Programming for these lifts will be split between two levels, Intermediate+ and Novice.
Intermediate+ will follow a modified Wendler 5/3/1 style template which uses % based lifting parameters, AMRAP final sets, and a wave loaded weekly template alternating between 5s, 3s and 1s before resetting at a slightly higher weight. This track is appropriate for lifters with at least a year + of consistent training with the three lifts, well established and somewhat recent 1RMs as well as a good technique under fatigue. Intermediate+ athletes will need to determine their “Training Max” prior to the start of the cycle. This is simply 90% of your most recent 1RM. So, if your 1RM Bench was 225, your “Training Max” would be 202.5lbs (rounded to 200 is fine). You would then take 200lbs and perform the assigned %’s off of your training max, not your true max.
Intermediate Progression
Week 1:
85%x5x2, 85%AMRAP
Week 2
90%x3x2, 90%AMRAP
Week 3
95%x1x2, 95%AMRAP
Add 5-10lbs——————
Week 4:
85%x5x2, 85%AMRAP
Week 5:
90%x3x2, 90%AMRAP
Week 6:
95%x1x2, 95%AMRAP
Add 5-10lbs——————
(etc for 6 more weeks)
Each day will have two sets at the given reps and % followed by a final AMRAP set. AMRAP sets should be performed with to 1-2 reps in reserve as well as with consistent and safe technique. We’re going for 12 weeks on these waves so when you determine your training max you should round down slightly to give you plenty of running room to work with. Your rep out number will provide guidance on how much weight to add during the following wave of a given rep range. For example, if on week one’s back squats you rep out 12 reps, you’re more likely to add 10lbs for the following wave. If you rep out 8, reps, 5lbs may be more prudent. The first weeks should feel like a base, which is why it’s helpful to determine your training max and round down if needed.
5s: 6-12 Reps (cap at 15)
3s: 4-8 Reps (cap at 10)
1s: 2-3 Reps (cap at 5)
The Novice track is appropriate for anyone with less than a year of training under their belt and either do not have 1RMs in the lifts or have never performed a straightforward linear progression. This track will have three weeks of 3x8s, followed by three weeks of 3x6s, then 4x4s and 5x2s. So on week 1, the lifter will perform 3 work sets of 8 repetitions at the same weight. The following week, they will bump up a modest weight and perform another 3×8 at that slightly higher weight. As the weeks go on the reps and overall volume will drop as the relative intensity rises. This track has more front end volume than the intermediate+ track, does not require 1RMs and is a great way to build a sound base on the lifts. Start LIGHT on this. Week 1’s lifts should feel like you could perform 4-6 more reps if you wanted to.
Novice Progression
Week 1: 3×8 (24 work reps)
Week 2: 3×8
Week 3: 3×8
Week 4: 3×6 (18 work reps)
Week 5: 3×6
Week 6: 3×6
Week 7: 4×4 (16 work reps)
Week 8: 4×4
Week 9: 4×4
Week 10: 5×2 (10 work reps)
Week 11: 5×2
Week 12: 5×2
Warning to afternoon/evening folks: You know how you hang up a carpet and beat it really hard with a paddle to get the dirt out? After this WOD, I feel like the carpet.
David, in the sentence beginning with “The other days,” did you mean to write Friday instead of Thursday? Put another way, is the bench press day Thursday or Friday?
yes I did! Bench is on Thursdays. good catch
what if you’re a bum, like me? asking for…