Workout of the Day
E3MOM x30 minutes
A: 500/400m Row
B: 1 Round of:
12 Wall Ball Shots
6 Strict Pull-Ups
12 Tuck-Ups
Every 3:00 alternate between A and B for a total of 5 sets each. Plan to move at a sustainable pace for 30 minutes
If you’re registered for the Open consider making today a recovery workout by decreasing the intensity and volume as you see fit. For example, you can just row at an easy pace for 2:00 per round and decrease the wall ball weight/height. If you’re not doing the Open and want to make this more challenging, consider using a heavier medball than you typically would.
This workout will be run at CrossFit Group classes at 6am, 7am, 8am, 10am, 12pm and 4:30pm. Starting at 6pm we will be running 22.1. Details below.
Sign Up for Friday Night Fever!
Starting at 6pm we’ll be running three heats of 10 athletes performing 22.1 tonight! In order to get a slot sign up on the google doc below. We’re also looking for volunteers who are able to act as judges in each of these heats. You can sign up to judge via the same spreadsheet. We will review all standards prior to each heat.
Quick Notes
– The heat you sign up for is the START time for your workout. Please be in 597 15 minutes prior to your selected time to get briefed on the workout standards and get your station set up. If you don’t show up prior to your heat start time you may be removed from your heat.
– Warm-Ups are DIY for FNF. You can warm-up in 608 prior to your start time.
– FNF is a community event, we encourage spectators as well as participants to hang around or come early, stay late and judge another heat to make everything run smoothly.
– FNF is a free event which will not count against your membership. This event is open to CFSBK members and you MUST be registered for the Open to participate.
– Please take a moment to review all the movement standards listed on the CrossFit Games site for additional clarity.
– Didn’t get into FNF? We’ll be running this workout tomorrow all day in group classes!
I didn’t sign up for the Open and won’t be around tonight, but would be happy to judge next week. Is that possible or do you have to be signed up for the Open to judge?
PS thank god I didn’t sign up for the Open. I can just let wall walks be wall walks and not tests of my psychological fortitude.
Yes you don’t need to be signed up to judge!!