Workout of the Day
Pause Bench Press
3 sets x 6-8 Reps
Work up through 3 work sets on the pause bench press. Keep the tempo per rep around (3-1-x-2) and use a spotter. Pause reps can catch up to you sooner than you think!
10 Rounds for time of:
50 Double Unders
10 Deadlifts
With one partner working at a time, perform 10 total rounds (5 each) of the couplet. Deadlifts should be medium heavy (+/185/155/135/95/75/-)
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Front Rack Prep
Do you struggle with your front rack on cleans/thrusters/push press etc? Here is Arin’s front rack comparison after only 1:00 of doing a little tricep mash on the sleeve of a barbell. (the pictures were taken out of sequence, the comparison was after he did his right arm only) Often the inability to comfortably get your elbows high enough is due to tightness in the triceps and/or lat. This method is a great way to quickly prep you for the position and make front racks much more comfortable. Take a barbell or any hard cylindrical object and proceed to roll out the muscle between your elbow and armpit. Look for spots that feel tender or tight and lay into them. You can rotate the arm in and out as well as flex and extend the elbow while you do this. Perform no less than 1:00 and then test your left to right difference to see if this is a helpful tool for you.