Workout of the Day
Skill: Kipping Pull-Ups
AMRAP 18:00
6 CTB Kipping Pull-Ups
12 Burpees
6 Box Jump Overs
12/10 Cals Air Bike
CTBKPU: kipping / 4-6 Strict or Banded / 8 Jumping or Ring Rows
A1: Plate Pullovers
A2: Seated DB Curls
PPO: Use a 3-2-2-1 tempo
DBC: Dumbbells move at the same time, use whatever arm angle feels best for you. No momentum!
Kelley is hiking 2,650 Miles over 5-6 Months!
As some of you know, I’ve been working my butt off over the last couple of years with one goal in mind: hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, a 2,650-mile, 6-month endeavor that goes from Mexico to Canada through CA, OR and WA.
My goal is about to be realized; my hike start date is 3/29, which, unfortunately, means I’ll be leaving NY for a while.
CFSBK has played a huge part in my preparation. I will be going into this hike in the best physical shape of my life, allowing me to enjoy the journey that much more. More importantly, I’ll have great mental fortitude because we’re constantly practicing being comfortable in the uncomfortable with every WOD.
Thank you to David and the coaching staff for pushing and encouraging me. I’ve been around CrossFit for many years, and the coaches at CFSBK are unparalleled in knowledge, professionalism, and attitude.
Thank you to the front desk staff for a smile every time I walk into the gym, setting the positive tone for even the gnarliest workouts.
Extra thanks to Coach Whit who has been programming for me since early 2020 with this PCT goal in focus. I told her I wanted to learn how to better embrace the suck and she didn’t disappoint (often with too much enjoyment, imho). Whit, your constant accountability, encouragement, and patience have been key to me getting to the starting line.
Lastly, thanks to my fellow members. Every single one of you who has caught wind of my PCT plans has responded with enthusiasm and support, which is energy I’ll be taking with me. Special shout out to my beer and donut crews who have been helping me prepare by packing in the calories.
The CFSBK community is invited to an “I’m Off!” party so I can thank you in person and soak in the good vibes I’ll need to draw on along my journey. Hope to see you there!
When: March 12, 7:00-11:00p
Where: Wild East Brewery (on Sackett btw 3rd & 4th)
Kelley B.
Such an amazing adventure! I hope you have a wonderful awe-inspiring journey.