Workout of the Day
Low Incline Bench Press
Using a 6″ Elevation, work up to a heavy 8 on the low incline bench press keeping 1-2 reps in reserve in your heaviest sets.
12 Rounds for time:
10 (total) Alternating Step-Ups
8 Slam Balls
6 Kipping Toes to Bars
Alternate full rounds with your partner until you have both completed 6 rounds.
Use a single 50/35/20/10lb DB for the step-ups carried however you would like.
Perform partial ROM KT2Bs or Hanging Knee Raise for the T2Bs
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/7)
Friday Night Fever @ CFSBK!
Walking to the gym on Friday night like….
This year we’ve rebranded our Friday Night Lights to be “Friday Night Fever” events. Was this just an excuse for Katie to purchase a disco ball and set up fancy lighting for the gym? We will never know. But regardless this is a great opportunity for people to perform their Open workout in style! For the three weeks of the Open we’ll run our Friday 4:30pm Group class as normal then starting at 6pm run a few heats of FNF. People who would like to participate can sign up via the google doc we put on the website with Thursday’s post. Based on the workout details released on Wednesday we’ll determine the size and length of heats. FNF will not count as a class for you and is free of charge to CFSBKers. You MUST be registered for the Open to participate in the workout. Spectators are welcome as well!!!
Spectators for Friday night Fever Are encouraged!! Fans make it way more fun. Crumsho and I are collaborating on a playlist and it’s fabulous. Bring your metcons AND your dancing shoes.
I am totally psyched this year for this.