Workout of the Day
E2MOM x 16:00
1 Snatch
Perform your barbell warm-ups and a couple warm-up sets, then every 2 minutes perform one snatch for 8 total work sets.
EMOM 15:00
A: :45 AMRAP Double Unders
B: :45 AMRAP Kettlebell Swings
C: :45 Sit-Ups or Pull-Ups
If you came yesterday, perform sit-ups. If you did not come yesterday, perform either kipping, strict or banded pull-ups or ring rows.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/7)
Welcome Rafa, Kat and Peregrin to CFSBK!
There are still two slots left for this Saturday’s Jump Rope Workshop with Coach Lynsey!
Do you take any supplements? Whey Protein? Vitamins? Radioactive Spiders?? If so, you should definitely check out our Thorne dispensary which gets you 15% off retail and free shipping on your orders… and NGL it helps the gym with a lil kick back! I (DO) have been using Thorne for a few months now to try their product before we partnered and can confirm it’s good stuff! I personally use the Chocolate Whey Protein, Electrolytes (when I do BJJ), the Fish Oil and Multivitamin. We’ve got some items that we generally recommend in our dispensary but they’ve got tons of products in their catalog if there’s something else you take that is not listed there. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about it!
Get Started:
All CrossFit South Brooklyn members will receive 15% off and free shipping on Thorne product purchases when you create your account after visiting:
- You will be prompted to confirm CrossFit South Brooklyn as your HCP referral during account creation.
- Discount will be reflected in your cart.
You can verify your Professional Connection and discount on your Thorne Profile page.