Workout of the Day
E3MOM x 15:00
1 Back Squat
Perform 2-3 warm-up sets, then perform 1 Back Squat, every 3:00 for 15 minutes totalling 5 progressive sets. If you’re not 100% confident you’ll make the lift, use spotters.
“Dumbbell Jackie”
For Time:
Row 1000/800m
50 Single Arm DB Thrusters
30 Kipping Pull-Ups
Today’s workout is a DB take on the classic benchmark workout “Jackie”. This workout is traditionally performed with an empty barbell but in the spirit of CrossFit Open we’re performing this with a single DB and recommend choosing one of the weights listed below. You may alternate as desired between arms to complete the 50 reps.
50 (men’s Rx)
35 (ladies Rx/men’s scaled)
20 (ladies scaled)
10 (Foundations)
Pull-Ups: Kipping full volume / kipping 1/2 volume / strict/banded half volume / Jumping or Ring Rows full volume
Row: Should take you roughly 4:00
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/7)
Maria’s 1/2 Marathon in honor of her Brother
12 years ago, my brother, Gabe passed away from brain cancer. On 4/24/22, I’m running a half-marathon in his honor and raising money for the Ronald McDonald House for children’s cancer support.
I hate running. I hate winter. I hate being cold, which, fyi are things you have to do to run a race at all & at the beginning of spring. But I promised him in his last weeks alive that I’d run a marathon for him WHICH I NOW DEEPLY REGRET. This half marathon is me training to run a full marathon afterward (and then never run again for the rest of my life). Honestly, Gabe wasn’t even a runner, so I don’t know what I was thinking but here we are regardless. So, I’m doing it.
As my friend Kunal said to me “you gotta do this. You can’t shortchange your dead brother.”
Gabe pass away peaceful in his home just 1 month short of turning 36. As of March 25, 2022, I will have lived a longer life than my brother. It’s hard to think about but also reminds me to appreciate my life & the opportunity to live. Because of health insurance, he was able to get quality medical care. A lot of people with cancer do not have the care he had. Many can’t afford health insurance due to the overwhelming inequities of living in America steeped in racism, sexism, classism & poverty.
The American healthcare system is not set up to care for all but instead for profit of insurances companies, those who already have enough (or more than) when so many people have far too little. Healthcare is a basic human right. Everyone should have access to get treatment for sickness including cancer. Many families have to travel hours or days for treatment. Living expenses add up. Long drives, lost jobs, worry, sleeping in cars. Being far from family & friends. These are extra burdens no one should experience for healthcare.
Ronald McDonald House helps when it’s needed most. They keep families w/ sick children near each other, give medical care & resources. Please consider donating to this worthy organization that helps take care of those that might otherwise go without. For a sick child, sometimes the best medicine of all is having their family with them.
Thank you.
May you and your family be healthy and, as my brother used to say in a Sean Connery accent, whenever I went out: “Godspeed”
Donate here! ❤️
Thank you for your support, David. And thank you to everyone who’s donated so far! You guys are the best!