Workout of the Day
SKILL: Bar Muscle-Ups
Skill Refinement:
Unbroken Bar Muscle-Ups
Skill Development:
Jumping Bar Muscle-Up & Bar Muscle-Up Attempts
Skill Foundation
5 sets of:
3 Strict or Banded Pull-Ups
3-6 Matador Dips
Choose the track that makes the most sense for you.
Skill Refinement is for those who already have Bar Muscle-ups. Work up and down the ladder of unbroken reps resting as needed between sets. If you have bar muscle-ups but don’t have the capacity to perform the ladder, try to perform 15-20 reps total in whatever rep break down will allow you to be successful.
Skill Development is for those who have 3-5 strict pull-ups and would like to try the skill. Start on jumping bar muscle-ups to get the feel for the transition then lower the box height or attempt unassisted BMUs as you see fit.
Skill Foundation is for folks who do not have less than 3 or no strict pull-ups. Work your baseline strength before focusing on more dynamic and demanding skills.
Every 5:00 for 4 Intervals
15 Reps Bench Press
20/16 Cals Bike
The Bike should take you roughly 1:00 or less per interval.
The Bench Press should be unbroken every round and may increase in weight per round or stay the same. Note that the bench volume will add up quickly!
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK5/7)
Kyle Setting up for takeoff