Workout of the Day
E2MOM 16′
1-2 Power Snatches
Work up towards a a technically sound double or single on the power snatch. Focus on tension & balance during the first pull, speed and proximity to the bar during the 2nd pull and speed followed by stability on the third. If you’re lifting a bit lighter to work on your form stick to doubles. If you’re able to progress to a heavier weight start at doubles then work towards singles through the 8 sets.
3 Intervals of:
AMRAP 3:00
12 Box Jumps
9 Overhead Squats
6 Kipping Pull-Ups or 3 Bar/Ring Muscle-Ups
Rest 3:00
Move through the triplet at steady pace. At the top of each new interval, start over on the box jumps.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK3/7)
Welcome back Archie F! We missed this smile!!!
Elbow position when setting up to Snatch and Clean
This video by catalyst athletics is a great overview on the proper positioning of your elbows in the start position of the Snatch and Clean. In short, the elbows should be pointed out to the sides without compromising a strong and set upper back position. This slight internal rotation in the arms allows the to bar to stay close to the body as it passes the hip and travels to the shoulders.
Often, individuals lack proper shoulder internal rotation capacity of the shoulder and have difficulty internally rotating the arm without having their shoulders get pulled forward. The mobilization below is the perfect prep you can do on yourself to prep your arms for any movement that requires significant internal rotation. (Snatches, Cleans, Dips, Push-Ups, Bench Press, Muscle-Ups). You can do this with or without a partner, but you’ll need to be diligent to keep your shoulders down and back if you dont have a super friend.
CFSBK Alum Carla S recently made headlines by jumping in last minute to reprise her Wicked Role. Read the interview here: What It’s Like to Drop Into Wicked As the Emergency Elphaba Cover