Workout of the Day
E2MOM x 14:00
Front Squat
1-2 Reps
Compare to 12.18.21
Take about 5 minutes to find your opener weight for this workout then perform 1-2 reps every 2 minutes attempting to add weight each round if able. If you have a 1RM aim to get to around the 90% range.
4-5 Sets of:
1-3 Rope Climbs
12 total Back Rack Reverse Lunges
24 Hollow Rocks*
If you didn’t come in yesterday and would like to perform 12 Matador or Bench Dips instead of Hollow Rocks, go for it.
Lunges are taken out of the rack.
Rope Climb Options
Level 1: Self Assisted with feet on the ground
Level 2: Knotted Rope Climb
Level 3: Wrapped rope Climb
Level 4: Legless Rope Climbs
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/7)
Dan H and David in fierce cornhole competition
CFSBKer Dan H Launches his own Psychotherapy Practice
I hope everyone has been able to remain healthy during this challenging and trying period, it’s been nice seeing a lot of you back in group class. I’m writing to share the news that I have launched my own psychotherapy practice, and I’m available for new clients. I’ll share a little background about myself.
As some of you may know, 5 years ago I decided to change careers and returned to school for a masters in social work, with the goal of one day beginning a private practice in psychotherapy. After graduating from the Columbia School of Social Work, I took a job at Methodist Hospital in their inpatient psychiatric unit. My work supported people in acute distress — people with substance abuse issues, people who were suicidal, people in the midst of a psychiatric episode — to help them get connected with services they needed when they were at their most vulnerable moments.
In March 2020, as the pandemic took hold of the US, the psychiatric unit closed and I began working on a pulmonary ICU unit, where I helped families coping with new loss, and patients who had survived experiences like intubation, and the traumas associated with that.
I am in the midst of a 3-year post graduate program in Somatic Experiencing (SE), which I find incredibly connected with what CrossFit South Brooklyn cultivates. SE helps people by allowing them to process past events, both mentally and physically. For instance, someone may recognize they are activated or in freeze mode, and may have “processed that” mentally, but their bodies haven’t. I can help with that.
I’m passionate about working with people who have experienced all different types of trauma, as well as those coping with grief, loss, performance anxiety, and issues of self-worth.
If you know anyone, or anyone’s child 14+, who is interested in learning a bit more about my practice, I am taking referrals. You can check out my Psychology Today profile, or give people my email or phone number 718-499-8192.
Thanks so much,
Dan from one MSW to another mazel tov and got luck!!!
Congratulations Dan – really inspiring to read about your work in your second career!!