Workout of the Day
Segment Power Clean + Push or Split Jerk
5 sets x 2 reps
1 Rep = performing a SPC followed by a Jerk, dropping (or lowering) the bar and then repeating the sequence one more time. Work up to a challenging but technically sound load.
Focus on maintaining body tension and creating speed when going from the pause to the rack delivery. Make sure to hold and stabilize the jerk receiving position before finishing the lift.
AMRAP 12:00
5 Push Presses
7 Kipping Pull-Ups
30 Double Unders
Can you break 10 rounds?
PP: Should be medium heavy but remain unbroken for the whole workout. (+/135/115/95/75/45/-)
KPU: (+) Chest to Bar / 7 Kipping / 5-7 Strict or Banded / 7 Jumping or Ring Row
DU: 30 DU/ 20 DU / 10 DU / 10 DU counting misses / 60 SU Jump rope should take 30-45 seconds per round.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/7)
Big thanks to everyone who came out to spend the start of 2022 with CFSBK at our Yoga and Meditation event hosted by Sasha S and Lizzie D!
Get 1 on 1 Support with your Nutrition
The beginning of the year is always a great time to reevaluate your goals and progress. Nutrition is the foundation to any healthy lifestyle and the linchpin in your performance and aesthetic goals. If you’ve been struggling to be consistent, consider working 1 on 1 with one of our Precision Nutrition coaches who are dedicated to creating individualized, sustainable and progressive lifestyle changes that will set you up for long term success with your nutrition.
You can reach out to any of the coaches below who are open to taking on new clients. If you’ve been riding the same nutrition rollercoaster time and time again, why not get some support and leverage the experience and accountability of a coach.
Lauren Snisky:
Brett Ferguson:
Whitney Hubbard: