Workout of the Day
12 Days of X-MAS
For Time:
1 Burpee
2 Push Presses 115/95/75/65/45
3 Front Squats 115/95/75/65/45
4 Box Jumps
5 Hand-Release Push-Ups
6 (total) Dumbbell Power Snatches 50/35/25
7 Ring Rows or Kipping Pull-Ups
8 Deadlifts
9 Calories Air Bike
10 Sit-Ups
11 Kettlebell Swings
12 Power Snatches 115/95/75/65/45
Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1, etc. – all the way to 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 – for a total of 364 reps.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK1/2)
Santa has been working hard on his nutrition and fitness all year and it’s really paid off!!!
Wear Green and Red today!
If you’re coming to class today, please wear some green and or red for the holiday! Wooo
Thank you from Camp Friendship
Thank you for opening the Camp Friendship toy drive up to the CFSBK community. We were able to give away toys to 525 children last Saturday, serving food and toys to almost 300 people who came through Camp Friendship. I feel very grateful to have found not just a great gym but an amazing group of people through CFSBK. Happy Holidays! – Morgan N
Today’s Schedule
Come on down for some holiday fitness and fun with your gym pals! CFSBK is always here for you <3
Open Gym 9am-12pm
9am CrossFit
10am CrossFit
11am CrossFit
That photo is amazing! So is Justine for setting up a Festivus Pole at the front desk today. Merry Christmas everyone!