Today’s Programming
Rack Split Jerk
5 sets x 1 Reps
Perform 5 sets at the same weight focusing on technical consistency over load. Try to hold the receiving position for three seconds on every lift. If you came on week 1 (11/8) or have a 1RM Jerk, aim for a weight around 70-80% of your best lift. We also performed a submax rack jerk on 11/12.
EMOM 15:00
A: 3 Power Cleans
B: :20 Air Bike
C: Rest
The intention on this EMOM is to go heavy on the cleans (3 singles, no touch and go) and hard on the bike.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK4/6)
CrossFit living legend Jacinto and Brazilian CrossFit Level 1 Seminar Staff Fran P hitting Saturday’s triplet
Split Jerk AV Roundup
Below are 3 videos, each under 2:00 long that address common issues and questions regarding the Split Jerk as well as a final one that puts it all together. Take a minute to check these out before class for a deeper understanding of split jerk mechanics!
The first video talks about how to find your split jerk stance.
This second video discusses how bent the back knee should be and why
In the third video, the jerk rack position is discussed
Finally, here is the lift in slow motion with some accompanying notes.