Today’s Programming
AMRAP 10:00
2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16.. reps
Deficit Push-Ups
Kettlebell Swings
Don’t rush through the Push-Ups and Tuck-ups, make your intention to move at a deliberate pace for 10 minutes while making the bodyweight movements more difficult by moving with no momentum or slop. Challenge yourself with a heavy Kettlebell today. For your deficit, use plates or Dumbbells and make sure you’re actually dropping your chest lower than you typically would in a conventional push-up. If you don’t have strict push-ups from your toes yet, perform these as elevated or banded push-ups such that it will force you to break up the 10 set into 2-3 mini sets.
A1: Barbell Shrugs
A2: Incline DB Bench Press
B1: Barbell Roll-Outs
B2: DB Lying Triceps Extensions
Perform 3 total sets of the shrugs and DB Presses increasing in intensity each set. The first set should feel like 75% effort, the 2nd 85% and the final 95%. For the Max reps, cap your effort at 20 reps. After you perform the shrugs and Bench transition to the Barbell Roll-Outs and lying extensions.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK3/6)
Barron with great Front Squat posture during last weekend’s FSQ/Burpee/Pull-Up workout