Today’s Programming
Choose one letter from the list below based on what you have not performed this week so far.
80% x 2 reps x6 sets
A: Bench Press
B: Back Squat
C: Shoulder Press
D: Deadlift
E: 4 Sets:
1. 10 Double Kettlebell Deadlifts
2. 10e 1/2 kneeling Landmine Presses
3. 10 Supine Ring Rows
Tomorrow we have clusters and Burpees
For Time:
400m Run
21 Kipping Pull-Ups
270m Run
15 Kipping Pull-Ups
130m Run
9 Kipping Pull-Ups
Try to run fast and perform the kipping pull-ups unbroken on this workout!
KPU: 21-15-9 / 15-9-6 / Strict & Banded 15-9-6 or 9-6-3 / If you did Ring Rows in the Strength Portion perform Jumping Pull-Ups at full volume.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/8)
2021 Fight Gone Bad Team Portraits
Who do you think was best dressed?!
*Note that a few teams had some last minute additions who may not have had time to join in on costumes
Hello fellow CFSBKers! I’m in the market for a new primary care doctor and was wondering if any of you had any recommendations? I have Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance if that makes a difference… thank you!
WODtoberfest wins for getting a pupper in on the action. Although I am tickled with Karl as “I am not a cat” lawyer. I was supposed to be the one wearing that mask and due to poor math skills was out of town.