Today’s Programming
Take at least 7-10 minutes to get to your work weight. Rest about 3+ minutes between work sets.
AMRAP 20:00
Run 400m
6 Power Cleans
12 Kipping Pull-Ups
The Power Cleans should be medium heavy steady singles (+/155/135/95/75/-)
KPU: 12 reps / 8 reps / 8 Strict or Banded / 12 Ring Rows
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK6/8)
OG JB Appreciation Post! JB has been a CFSBKer for 11 years and dutifully worked the front desk for the last 3. You can catch JB at the gym at like 4am getting things ready, knowing everyone’s name and being super chipper and helpful. We <3 you JB
We’ve passed the $13K mark raised for Hope for Haiti. Fight Gone Bad is gonna be epic!
Melissa Arnold Memorial Workout Next Week
Next Wednesday, October 27th we will be running a commemorative workout to honor the life of Melissa Arnold, who tragically passed away in early September. The workout will take place on her birthday and was written by members of her family who do CrossFit. They and two of her former CrossFit affiliates will be participating. We will post more information about the life and legacy of Melissa next week.
This weekend her family is also holding a Celebration of Life for Melissa, which you can read about and offer condolences via the link.
As a related programming note, next week we will swap Wednesdays Shoulder Press for Thursdays Deadlifts since Melissa’s workout includes them. It was one of her favorite movements.
YEAH JB!!! thank you for always being a friendly face first thing in the morning and for everything else you do to keep this special place running 🙂
Vanessa! My face right now is every shade of 🥰. You’re wonderful ♥️
i’m a longtime member of the JB appreciators club! a great asset to the gym.
I’m a longtime member of the Charles appreciation club! And right back at’cha on the asset part. <3
Another JB appreciation post… I appreciate you, JB!!
BJORN! I appreciate you and your high fives! <3
JB is the best!!
Maria! I think you’re the best! <3
Team JB all the way! Thank you for all you do to nurture and strengthen the CFSBK community day in and day out. We appreciate you!
Steven! Your sleepy hair and pillow creased face makes each day a little brighter. I appreciate you! <3
JB rocks! or, rather – J-Boss!! So great to see you at the gym.
Richard! So great to see YOU at the gym! <3
JB is the best!! We <3 you!!
Linda! <3 Team Hutsal to the moon and back! xo
“A very important thing in life will always be your CrossFit family.” Dom Toretto
Ohhh my heart overflows! This is the best Thursday ever! Fam, each day and every shift is a delight because of all of YOU. And 4am is true. We have a cordless vacuum and pushing it around 597 while drinking coffee is pretty great. <3 <3 <3 JB
PS: Shout out to Savannah D. for my sweet vest!
We love you JB!!!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Aww Thaisa!!! All the love right back!! 💜💜💜