Today’s Programming
Back Squat
Rest as needed between sets. 2-3 minutes potentially.
Every 3:00 for 5 sets perform:
3 Squat Cleans
9 Kipping Pull-Ups
:20 Air Bike
Adjust the difficulty of this workout such that you can finish in roughly 1:30-2 minutes per round. The Squat cleans should be heavy but doable as three quick singles. The Pull-Ups should be unbroken or completed in 2 sets max and the bike should be an all out effort for :20. Note how many calories you get each interval.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK5/8)

Darren’s Ride for Embers Wrap Up
This summer I rode a bike from the Canadian border in Montana to New Mexico along the Continental Divide Trail. My goals were to experience the Rocky Mountains, meet its people, and raise awareness for an important cause.
I’ve been involved with a nonprofit called Embers that restores women in India trafficked into brothels back to mainstream life. Among the services they provide are a safe house, counseling, legal aid, health care, and private schooling for children aged-out of public school. In the last year, two children were found on the street next to their dying mothers who had contracted both HIV and tuberculosis. Conversely, two 21-year olds supported by Embers are graduating from nursing school this fall and are ranked #1 and #2 in their class!
I ended up riding 1700 miles in 24 days, climbing over 100,000 feet in total elevation through dirt, snow and mud. Along the way I met the kindest people; trail angels in lifted 4x4s would stop and offer me food, water, camp sites, beer, whiskey, and even sushi! One hostel offered all the pizza, drinks and beer you wanted, with a “pay what you think you owe” policy. Many more stories and beautiful scenery can be found here.
I missed the gym a lot while I was away. Yes, part of it was practical as CrossFit is only an hour a day versus 10 to 12 on a bike! But opening my phone (when there was internet) and seeing your messages and generosity was the real fuel that kept me going. I didn’t ride a lot of miles to prep for this adventure, so I can really credit the workouts at CFSBK – sweating happily next to you all! – for giving me the fitness to do it at all.
And thanks to the support and encouragement of so many of you, we exceeded our goal of $25K to raise $26,622. I cannot be more grateful, THANK YOU!
Deadly Falls among the Elderly Are on the Rise Scientific American