Today’s Programming
10:00 / 3 Sets:
10-15 Straight Arm Band Pull Downs
10-15 Banded Face Pulls
10-15 Triceps Extensions
:45 Plank
:45 Wall Sit
Choose one letter from the list below based on what you have not performed this week so far.
A: Bench Press 80%x4x5
B: Back Squat 80%x4x5
C: Shoulder Press 80%x4x5
D: Deadlift 80%x4x5
E: 4 Sets:
8-12 Seated Hammer Curls
8-12e FFE Reverse Lunge
8-12 DB Bench Press
Tomorrow we have kipping pull-ups, burpees, kettlebell swings and biking
Turkish Get-Up
Work up to a challenging triple on each arm. Check the video at the bottom of this post for a pre-class primer.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Strong finish position on the rowing machine
Do you have a three year old?
Hi folks, Margie here with a message for CFSBK parents
Chickpeas Cooperative Preschool (where Coach Jeremy’s daughter attends) had one spot unexpectedly open up for our 3 year old crew. If you have a kid born in 2018, and are interested in sending them to a small, safe, cooperatively run, awesome preschool, please reach out as soon as possible! More details below:
Chickpeas is a parent-run cooperative preschool for 3 and 4 year olds in South Slope, with a strong emphasis on community. Our small size of 20 children allows us to tailor our curriculum, instruction, and family engagement in ways specific to each family – recognizing that every family has unique needs and goals in the early education of their child. Find out what makes this 40-year-old institution such a special place!
- operates 11 months a year, Sept-July
- play-based, emergent philosophy
- anti-bias curriculum
- one mixed-age class for 3s and 4s (3s are guaranteed a spot as 4s in our PreK For All program contracted with the DOE)
If you are interested in finding out more, please email!
tomorrow: “biking,” as if we’re going to be taking a chill ride along the canal
hahahahahaha truth