Today’s Programming
Choose one lift from the list below based on what you have not performed this week so far.
A: Bench Press 80%x3x6
B: Back Squat 80%x3x6
C: Shoulder Press 80%x3x6
D: Deadlift 80%x3x6
E: 4 Sets:
8-12 Single Arm Bent Over Row
8-12e FFE Reverse Lunge
6-8 Push-ups or HSPUs
Tomorrow we have Thrusters and Rowing
Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
1-2 15′ Legless Rope Climb
15 Box Jumps
10-15 Kettlebell Swings
Rope Climb: Today’s rope climbs are intended to be used as an upper body pulling exercise. If you can’t perform a legless rope climb but you can perform one with a leg wrap you may substitute that. If you are not comfortable on the rope or don’t currently have the upper body strength for rope climbs substitute 5-8 strict, banded or self assisted Pull-Ups. We will not do a deep dive into rope climb technique today. If you do two climbs, it should take you no longer than 60 seconds to complete both.
In this interval, aim for about 2:00 of work and 1:00 of rest
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Sawyer and Adam during this week’s Bike, Push Press and Muscle-Up AMRAP
Fight Gone Bad Teams!
We have 80 people signed up for Fight Gone Bad 2021!! That makes 16 teams of 5 people. Check your inbox this afternoon for info on your teammates and next steps. Wooo FGB!!!
For anyone looking for a non CrossFit challenge, try doing the Stella New York Times crossword puzzle today. I’m starting early.
One of my favorite Fridays in a while. Had some trouble in the SW. Great puzzle Stella, and thanks for the pointing out Alona!