Today’s Programming
YES the Burpee! As straight forward as this movement may seem, there is more variability in people’s movement than we’d like to see. We’ll review hand placement, sequencing, proper bracing and range of motion. Don’t sleep on the burpee technique!
30 rounds for time of:
5 Wall ball shots
3 Burpees
1 Power clean
WB: Should be unbroken
Burpee: Do them perfectly
PC: This should be a heavy, but technically sound and consistent lift. (225/185/155/135/95/75/…)
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Thank you to all those who stepped up
We’d like to take a moment to acknowledge everyone who stepped up on Wednesday and responded to Melissa’s emergency situation. With everyone’s swift help, the fire department was in house about 6 minutes after Melissa initially collapsed. One member noticed something seemed wrong and alerted Coach Carissa who immediately came over to assess the situation and provide care. Aaron at the front desk called 911 while Coach Lynsey turned off the music, stopped the workout and helped cleared the room. Coach Lauren came down from the office to help as well. Another member with experience in emergency care came directly over to lend a hand. Someone else in class ran to the swimming school across the street and found an EMT who was on the scene in a matter of minutes. Other members cleared their cars from the street so that the ambulances and fire trucks could park. Other folks helped pick up their things so that we could locate Melissa’s bag and phone. Coach David connected with Melissa’s mom and stayed in contact while he went to the ER to be with her and then later took care of her dogs.
While everyone on staff is CPR/AED certified, very little can prepare you for the emotional stress of a true crisis event. We are so proud of how the staff and CFSBK community handled themselves in such a surreal and serious situation. Everyone did something to either make themselves helpful or clear the way for others to help. Coincidentally, CFSBKer Sarah Costigan was the manager of the ICU unit that Melissa was assigned to and sent this note along:
Sending hugs or hug-equivalent vibes to everyone who was there on Wednesday and to Melissa’s friends and family <3 <3
Thank you everyone. What a terrible tragedy. Never any doubt in my mind that the coaches and community would respond the way they did.