Today’s Programming
For time:
270m Run
30 Snatches (WT1)
400m Run
20 Snatches (WT2)
550m Run
10 Snatches (WT3)
This workout has three progressive loads you’ll use for the snatches. The first weight should be light enough for you to do around 8-10+ touch and go reps at a time The second weight can be quick singles or sets of 3-5 touch and go reps. The final set should be heavy enough that it needs to be performed as singles. While this workout is for time, choose loads and a pace that will allow you to hit all 60 reps with consistent and correct technique. Snatches may be power or squat.
Example A: 75/95/115
Example B: 45/65/75
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: alchemy)
Alchemy Active Recovery @Home: 10am
An hour of movement including stretching, crawling, balancing, rolling, prodding, pushing, poking and joking. Come as you are, feel better when you leave.
Throwback Video of Coach David doing 30 Power Snatches at 135
Note that even when performing Snatches in a metcon, you should move at a pace that allows you to have consistent positions and maintain a snappy third pull under the bar. The more experienced you are with the snatch, the easier it is for you to repeat this motor pattern without significant deviation, even under fatigue. So in order to keep each rep fast and consistent, the pace between them and the weight chosen need to match the abilities of the lifter.
If you want to get good at throwing multiple free throws in basketball, start slow, set up each shot and refine your execution. Once your execution becomes more consistent, you can start shooting a little faster. As you you speed up, some deviations might arise. Pull back slightly to adjust and continue until your threshold increases again and repeat the process.
We also recommend you tape your thumbs before this workout to avoid excessive friction on your thumbs through these 60 reps.