Today’s Programming
A: Floor Piked hold
B: Controlled 1/2 kick-ups
C: Heel taps to wall
D: Full kick-up + :20 holds
Advanced: Free standing/walking
25:00 AMRAP
50 Air Squats
400m Run
30 Kettlebell Swings
20 Cal Row
10 Strict HSPU
Take today’s workout at an Aerobic pace. You should be conversational, sweaty and moderately taxed the whole time.
HSPU: 1-2 Abmats / 10 Box Piked HSPU / 10 DB Z Presses
DB Hammer Curls
Rest :60-:90 between sets
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Alchemy @ Home
Alchemy @ Home: 7am
Warm Up
2-3 Rounds
5e Side Plank Rotations
5e Quadruped Adductor Rockbacks
5e Forearm to Instep Lunge w/Hip Lift
5 No Push Up Burpees
A1. Turkish Get Ups
4 x 3-5 Reps Each
A2. Tall Kneeling Crush Grip Pallof Presses
4 x 8-10 Reps
A3. Sumo Stance Goblet Good Mornings
4 x 8-10 Reps
5 Rounds
1:00 Alternating Single Arm Snatches
1:00 Plank Toe Taps
1:00 Rest
A note from Joey about Joey Day
Four years ago (almost to the day), I moved to Brooklyn because this cute girl wanted to be roommates. A quick google proximity search at the same time found me CrossFit South Brooklyn. Since then, this community has made Brooklyn home. Never could I have ever imagined finding so much love, support, and lifelong friendship in a place for working out!
Last Saturday, to celebrate our upcoming nuptials, this Groom Squad surprised me with “Joey Day” A specially programmed “For Better and For Worse” workout, matching “loud” outfits, a Joey themed playlist and so so much happiness! (and some tears) To say I was on cloud nine is an understatement! Thank you CFSBK for creating this beautiful community that gives so much to every member. And so so many thanks to my cheer squad and for all those that have sent their well wishes. Joey day is a memory I will never ever forget!
NYC To Require Vaccinations For Indoor Dining, Gyms And Other Venues
This is so cute I can’t stand it!!!! Congratulations Joey!
Perhaps unknown to all but the oldest of us at the gym, but “conversational, sweaty and moderately taxed” was the motto of the 1976 Jimmy Carter campaign.
Congrats to Joey. May you successfully beat that 2:00 min target.
Happy Joey Day, Joey! We love you! Congrats!