Today’s Programming
A1: Close Grip Bench Press
A2: 3 Point DB Row
A1: In 6 total sets, work up to 3 heavy sets of 6-8 reps. Use a grip about 1/2 to full grip more narrow than you typically use for bench.
A3: In 4-5 total sets, work up to a heavy 3 point DB Row. Refer to 7/8/21 when we did heavy 12s on this row variation.
EMOM 16:00
A: :45 Kipping Toes to Bars
B: :45 Box Jumps
C: :45 Push-Ups
D: :45 Double Unders
Try to go hard on each round!
T2B: Partial ROM KT2B / Hanging Knee Raises
Push-Ups: Knee
DU: Alt 2 / Singles
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Alchemy @ Home
Warm – Up
2-3 Rounds:
3e Half Kneeling Windmills
3e KB/DB Arm Bars w/:05 hold
6 Sit Up to Hips Up w/:05 hold
6 Sissy Squats*
Why is it called a sissy squat? The name refers to Greek legend, King Sisyphus who, after antagonising one too many people, was sent to the underworld to be punished. Hades then gave him a huge rock and told him if he could push it to the top of the highest mountain, he would be set free.
A1: Single Arm 1 1/4 Floor Press
4 x 8-10 Reps Each
A2: Single Arm 1 1/4 Bent Row
4 x 8-10 Reps Each
EMOM 16:00
A: :45 Hollow Body Leg Scissors
B: :45 Gate Swings
C: :45 Push-Ups
D: :45 Low Box Runners
Farewell to CFSBK Super Legend Kayleigh Rose
CFSBK bids farewell to another longtime member of our community, Kayleigh Rose. Known throughout the gym as a friend to all, supportive teammate and bonafide TFBA, Kayleigh is off to a new chapter in her life in Portland. She will be missed, but there will always be a rack available for her on Degraw Street. Here are some parting notes from her:
I have officially left Brooklyn and am off to Portland (five day road trip ahead)! Here is my goodbye and short ode to CFSBK, to the place and community that has been a defining element of my Brooklyn life for the past nine years.
Early on, I connected with the many fellow educators who came to the gym. All of us who deeply appreciated the modeling, meaningful feedback, and thoughtful planning from coaches. I am so grateful to David for the collection of individuals (past and present) he has entrusted and impressed by the tenets he has set forth in making the gym such a welcome, inclusive, positive, productive space.
A few years in the 6AM family welcomed me – I was excited, humbled, and more driven to try to keep up. I am thankful for such a crew than was competitive, supportive, and pushed me to make the most of my mornings (even the rosé fueled ones). I looked forward to all the gym events and celebrating all the TFBAs – my life is so much richer for having time to sweat, question my life choices while lying on the floor post-WOD, and bond with so many folks! There is a confidence and empowerment I have gained from my experiences at CFSBK that go far beyond any feats of strength and speed (though let’s be honest, those are pretty damn delightful too).
I have literally traveled the world to hike mountains with members. That being said, I hear Oregon has some pretty wonderful mountains that I am looking forward to taking on. I look forward to visiting in the future, and encourage anyone who comes out west to come say hello. I am definitely leaving part of my heart in Brooklyn (and most of it on Degraw St).
Best of luck Kayleigh!
Gonna miss you my deadlift buddy!! Hope to come out there and visit and best of luck xoxox
Good luck, Kayleigh! So happy for your adventure… Oregon is lucky to have you.
PS – Love this picture 🙂
Bye Kayleigh!!!! The deadlift kween. It was always fun to use you a gauge competitively for those deadlifty engine workouts. So many good times outside of the gym as well!! I know you’ll be back to visit, so will see you then :))
Also peep whit in the background, this is a gem.
So many TFBAs in that photo. Best wishes Kayleigh!
We’ll miss you Kayleigh!! So many fun 6am memories with you!! Wishing you all the best!!
Such a great photo!
Kayleigh, an incredible friend, fellow educator, and athlete. I’ll miss you! Best of luck and I’ll be visiting you!
super legend is right! We’ll miss you Kayleigh. Best of luck!
Love you Kayleigh. Team #charleigh forever ❤️