Today’s Programming
Box Squat
Heavy Five
Work up to a heavy set of 5 reps on the box squat in no more than 8 total sets. Choose a box that will get your hip crease just below parallel. Sit, on tension for a one count before driving up out of the hold. Try to maintain the ability to move quickly.
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Bike Cals
Burpees Over the Bar
Time cap: 15:00
Bike: 21-15-9 / 15-9-6
DL: Choose a medium heavy weight that will allow you to move quickly and perform each round either unbroken or in 2 quick sets. (225/185/155/135/95/75/..)
Reverse Crunch + Deadbug
:60 rest
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Alchemy @ Home
Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: alchemy)
Alchemy @ Home: 7am
Warm Up
2-3 Rounds:
5e Quadruped Adductor Rockbacks
10 Prone Ys
10 Alternating Hollow Dead Bugs
5e Reverse Lunge w/Twist
A1. Single Leg Box Squat
4 x 5-8 Reps Each
A2. Single Leg Elevated Bridge
4 x 8-10 Reps each
A3. Single Arm Z-Press (or Filly Press)
4 x 5-8 Reps Each
AMRAP 4:00
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14…etc
Alternating Forward Lunges
Gate Swings
—Rest 2:00—
AMRAP 4:00
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14…etc
Goblet Alternating Forward Lunges
Charles, Grant, Rana and Coach Kharp hanging out together
Programming for AUGUST 2ND – SEPTEMBER 12TH 2020
This cycle template will be slightly different than the prior two in that we will not be using the “a la carte” day and instead will be offering 7 novel days of programming per week. While there will be some consistency with Monday’s alternating Box and Back squats, Thursday’s Cleans and Sunday Snatches, the rest of the week will have a bit more variance with an emphasis on balance of movement planes. The weekly template will be: Lower Body Bias / Upper Body Bias / Skill & Mixed Modal / Lower Body Bias / Upper Body Bias / Skill & Mixed Modal / Snatch.
While there will be an “upper body” or “lower body” bias on given days, that doesn’t necessarily mean that we will ONLY be performing LB or UB movements on those days. You’ll see other movements which involve the trunk, upper body or monostructural exercises however with much less volume or with less time under tension (burpees, box jumps, kipping, Jerks etc). On M/W/Th/Fr/Su the primary lift(s) will be followed up with either a metcon or assistance work.
Monday: Lower Body Bias
Wk1: Box Squat H5
Wk2: Back Squat H5
Wk3: Box Squat H3
Wk4: Back Squat H3
Wk5: Box Squat H1 + 80% Rep Out
Wk6: Back Squat H1 80% Rep Out
Tuesday: Upper Body Bias
Weeks 1-3 Horizontal Press & Pull (bench press / Row variant supersets)
Weeks 4-6 Vertical Press & Pull (Shoulder press / Pull-Up variant supersets)
Wednesday: Skill Work & Mixed Modal
Wednesdays will start with some skill work, often related to the programmed workout that day. Then we’ll get into a classic CrossFit mixed modal workout.
Thursday: Lower Body Bias
The lower body bias on Thursdays will revolve around clean variants as the primary lift or within the metcon.
Friday: Upper Body Bias
Weeks 1-3 Vertical Press & Pull (Shoulder press / Pull-Up variant supersets)
Weeks 4-6 Horizontal Press & Pull (bench press / Row variant supersets)
Saturday: Skill Work & Mixed Modal
Saturdays will start with some skill work, often related to the programmed workout that day. Then we’ll get into a classic CrossFit mixed modal workout.
Sunday: Snatch
Sundays will focus on snatch complexes followed by a metcon or assistance work.
Here’s the correct At-Home programming for anyone following along later 🙃
Warm Up
2-3 Rounds:
3e Multiplanar Lunges (forward, side, reverse)
5 Inchworm + Rotations
5 Tuck Up + Hollow Dead Bugs
5 Dynamic Blackburns
A1. Pressing Goblet Squats
4 x 8-10 Reps Each
A2. Hip Bridge Walkouts
4 x 8-10 Reps each
A3. Single Arm/Single Leg Standing Press
4 x 5-8 Reps Each
Every 4:00 for 4 Rounds:
7 Single Arm Thrusters Left
5 Lateral Burpees over the KB/DB
7 Single Arm Thrusters Right
5 Lateral Burpees over the KB/DB
21 KB Swings
Rest until the next 4:00 mark
Annie’s reaction to this snatch has to be one of my favorite moments ive witnessed so far in the sport. It makes me so happy!