Today’s Programming
Option A: No Unassisted Strict Chin-Ups
3-3-3-3-3 with as little assistance as possible
Option B: Strict Chin-Ups but no Kipping
Kipping Pull-Up Practice
Option C: Kipping Pull-Ups
5×10 Unbroken Kipping Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Rest ~90 seconds between sets.
A. E3MOM: Pause BSQ 80%x3-5×5
B. Bench or Shoulder Press 5-5-5
C. EMOM 15: 1 Clean or Snatch
D. AMRAP 15: 400m Run / 15 Deadlifts / 15 DB Push Press or HSPU
E: AMRAP 15: 2-4-6.. OHS / Box Jump / Burpee
F: AMRAP 15: 15 cal bike / 14 DB Bench / 12 FFE Rev Lunges
Choose a lift or metcon that corresponds to what you have not performed in the prior few days or what you’re least sore from. For the barbell movements, you may also consider adding a secondary lower skill bodyweight/DB exercise to create a superset.
Tomorrow we have Front Squats and Option F
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
KLOVEMania about to run wild on CFSBK
#92: Eric Roza, CEO of CrossFit – Fitt Insider