Today’s Programming
Pause Back Squat
75%x 3-5×5
This week we’re programming a range of 3-5 reps based on how difficult the weight is feeling for you. If things are getting pretty tough and you feel like you can’t hit 5s with perfect technique, drop to three reps. If things are still moving well attempt the 5×5
If you don’t have a heavy single choose a sub max weight that will challenge your positions in the hole
16:00 AMRAP
6 Kipping Pull-Ups
9 Thrusters
130m Run
Pull-Ups: + 6 CTB / 6 Kip / 3-6 Strict / 6 Banded / 9 Ring Rows
Thrusters: Unbroken most or all rounds (+/115/95/75/55/-)
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: alchemy)
Alchemy @ Home: 7am
Warm Up
2-3 Rounds:
5e Spiderman Lunge w/ Reach and Hip Lift
3e Shin Box to 90/90 Stretch
5e Bird Dog
:20 Bound Locust
A1. Poliquin Style Split Squat
4 x 6-8 Reps Each
A2. Single Leg Glute Bridge
4 x 8-10 Reps each
A3. Hollow Body KB/DB Pull Overs
4 x 10-12 Reps
Every 3:00 for 4 Rounds
9 Single Arm Swings Left
6 Single Arm Thrusters Left
6 Single Arm Thrusters Right24 Low Box Runners
Rest until the next 4:00 mark
Throwback to a 2019 Friday Night Lights Event
Save the Dates! Upcoming events @ CFSBK
We are so excited to finally be announcing some upcoming events after a very long year + of not being able to have many indoor social events at the gym. Below are some upcoming events we’ve confirmed. Stay tuned for additional events and seminars in the works as well!
Friday, July 30th: CFSBK Presents the “Wet Hot American Throwdown” This will be an informal, in-house Friday night competition just for fun. We’ll do 2-3 workouts and follow up with an optional social at a local bar like park life. We’re capping this at 30 competitors. More details to follow!
Sunday, Sept 19th: CFSBK’s 14th Anniversary
Saturday, October 9th: FIGHT GONE BAD 2021
Saturday, December 4th: CFSBK Community Art Show
Saturday, January 8th: CFSBK Community Potluck
Last Chance to sign up for Starting Strength!
The Starting Strength program is an opportunity to spend 8 weeks honing your technique and increasing your capacity at the most fundamental strength movements: Back Squat, Overhead Press, Bench Press and Deadlift. This small group format of 90 minute sessions offers one-on-one guidance, great camaraderie, and a simple roster of movements allowing you time to correct errors and challenge your limits.
Whether you are brand-new to lifting, someone with experience who has struggled to surpass a plateau, or just looking to try something different, by taking the time to focus exclusively on the lifts that support almost ever other activity you do inside (and outside) the gym, you will gain confidence and enhance your performance.
Evening Cycle
Monday July 12th – Friday September 4th
Monday’s and Wednesadys at 7:30pm
Fridays at 6:30pm
Register Here
Afternoon Cycle
Monday July 12th – Friday September 4th
This cycle meets at 11AM Monday and Wednesday and Friday
Register Here
Curing Movement Dysfunction: Dr. David Johnson and CrossFit Neuro
Yay events!!!