Today’s Programming
A. FSQ 3×3
B. Bench or Shoulder Press 8-8-8
C. Mid Hang Clean or Snatch 1-1-1-1-1
D. EMOM 16:00 6-12 cal Bike / 12 Burpees
E: 4 Rounds FT: 400m Run / 20 HPC / 10 HSPU
F: AMRAP 12: 15 Kipping Pull-Ups / 20 Wall Ball Shots / 25 Cal Row
Choose a lift or metcon that corresponds to what you have not performed in the prior few days or what you’re least sore from. For the barbell movements, you may also consider adding a secondary lower skill bodyweight/DB exercise to create a superset.
400m Sandbag Carry
100 Theraband Pull-Aparts
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: alchemy)
Alchemy @Home: 10am
Lee trucking through a hard second mile during Murph on Memorial Day.