Today’s Programming
A. Front Squat 5×5
B. Shoulder Press or Bench Press 8-8-8 + 3-6 Chin-Ups
C. High Hang Power Clean + Mid Hang Power Clean (or Snatch)
D. AMRAP 12: 10 Clean and Jerks + 60 Double Unders
E: 4 Sets: 1:00 Bike / 1:00 DB Bench Press / 1:00 Medball Step-Ups / 1:00 Rest
Choose a lift or metcon that corresponds to what you have not performed in the prior few days or what you’re least sore from. For the barbell movements, you may also consider adding a secondary lower skill bodyweight/DB exercise to create a superset.
Tomorrow we have back squats, kipping pull-ups, wall balls and rowing.
3-4 Sets for quality/load of:
SA Farmer’s Carry 65m
16 Kettlebell Swings
16 Supine Leg Raises
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: alchemy)
Alchemy @Home: 10am
Congratulations to Coach Arturo for taking 1st place in the 89kg class at his USAW meet! Arturo put up a 237kg total, became the #1 ranked masters 45-49 89kg lifter nationally, and was the oldest lifter at the meet by 8 years.
Why We Hold Olympic Athletes to Such Ridiculous and Cruel Standards – The New York Times
Hell yeah, Arturo! Thatβs awesome.
That’s amazing Ro!