CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am
Teens/Preteens: 4:30pm
Today’s Programming
Pause Back Squat
Perform one set every 3 minutes for 5 sets. Base your % off your recent heavy singles from the prior cycle. If you didn’t hit a heavy single or are new, simply choose a weight that feel like you could do 3-4 more reps with. Week one should not feel terribly challenging and used as a deload week before the weights gradually climb up.
Partner METCON
AMRAP 20:00
5 Kipping Pull-Ups
7 DB Thrusters
35 Double Unders
With one person working at a time, alternate complete rounds until time expires.
If you’re sore AF from Saturday’s workout, consider performing Push Presses instead of Thrusters.
Pull-Ups: (+) Kipping Chest to Bar / 3-5 Strict or Banded / 5 Ring Rows
Thrusters: Should be unbroken and medium heavy
Double Unders: 35 DU / 25 DU / 15 DU / 35 Alt 2 / 70 Single Unders
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
2 – 3 Rounds of:
8 Alt 90/90
:30 Prone W Hold
16 Gate Swings
A1. Goblet YoYo Squats
4 x 8 – 10 Reps Each
A2. Plank Rows
4 x 8 – 12 Reps Each
A3. Half Kneeling DB Low to High Chop
4 x 8 – 12 Reps Each
AMRAP 12:00
6ea Reverse Lunge Thrusters
12 Alt Single Leg V Ups
24 Low Box Runners
Count one foot for reps on the low box runners or replace this movement with a Jump Rope skill.
Congrats to Stella Z on her strict chin-up PR of BW + 50lbs.
New Programming Template
The following movement template will run from Monday, June 21 to Sunday, August 1st. This cycle we’ll see the return of the Barbell Snatch on Wednesdays and continuation of the “flex day”/”choose your own adventure”/”a la carte” strength work on Thursdays and Sundays where you can round out your weekly programming based on the days you’ve come. Both of those days will also include “NFT” (Not for Time) assistance work which does not mean easy. It simply means there will be a focus on quality, effort and load without an emphasis on time to completion of a particular task.
Pause Back Squat
Wk1: Pause 60%x5x5 E3MOM
Wk2: Pause 65%x5x5 E3MOM
Wk3: Pause 70%x5x5 E3MOM
Wk4: Pause 75%x3x5 E3MOM
Wk5: Pause 80%x3x5 E3MOM
Wk6: Pause 1-1-1
Kipping Pull-Up/Strict Pull-Ups
Wk1: BP 10-10-10 / DL Metcon/Assist
Wk2: DL 5-5-5 / HP Metcon/Assist
Wk3: BP 8-8-8 / DL Metcon/Assist
Wk4: DL 3-3-3 / HP Metcon/Assist
Wk5: BP 5-5-5 / DL Metcon/Assist
Wk6: DL 1-1-1 / BP Metcon/Assist
The Focus lift will alternate weekly between deadlifts and bench presses with athletes working up to a top set on the given rep scheme. The secondary movement will be worked into the metcon or assistance work. For example a day with “HP Metcon/assistance” may have bench press, DB bench, or Push-Ups while a day with “DL Metcon/assistance” may have deadlifts, power cleans, Kettlebell Swings, DB Deadlifts etc.
Wk1: High Hang Power Snatch x2 + OHS
Wk2: High Hang PS + Mid Hang PS + OHS
Wk3: Mid Hang Snatch (full)
Wk4: Pause Power Snatch + OHS
Wk5: EMOM 15: 1 Snatch
Wk6: Snatch 1-1-1-1-1
A la Carte
Make-up Strength day
Strength Bias Vertical or Horizontal Pulling worked into NFT
NFT Assistance Work
Sub-maximal Aerobic conditioning
Front Squats
Wk1: 3×5
Wk2: 5×5
Wk3: 3×3
Wk4: 5×3
Wk5: 3×1
Wk6: 5×1
(sets x reps)
Front squat sessions are done with sets across and submax. Leave 1-3 reps in reserve on all sets. Each rep scheme gets two exposures with the second one being higher volume than the first. Athletes may perform the same weight as the prior week with the additional sets, or if they’re up for it make a slight jump in weight.
Longer/Partner Metcons
Power Clean + Overhead strength bias
Clean and Jerks, HSPU etc.
A la Carte
Make-up Strength day
NFT Assistance Work
Sub-maximal Aerobic conditioning
The Failed Promise of the Aerobics Revolution – The New York Times
Heck yeah Stella!!!
I’m so BLEEPING proud of myself 😀
As you should be!