Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 10am
Today’s Programming
Level 2
5×5 @55%
Level 1
3×3 Across
If you’re performing murph this Monday, consider reducing your work set volume to 3 sets for Level 3 and 1-2 sets for level 1.
L2: These are speed squats intended to be performed at a 3-1-X-2 tempo. Rest 60-90 seconds between sets. Next week will be 5×5 @ 60%
L1: This is our last 3×3 for L1. Next week we’ll perform some heavy singles.
2 Rounds For Time
Row 2000m
60 Wall Ball Shots
30 Kipping Pull-Ups
In teams of 2, complete the workout in order with only one partner working at a time. Partners may divide the work however they perfer.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
3 – 4 Rounds of:
12 Alt WGS
6 Inchworms w/Shoulder Taps
12 Pike Toe Taps
6 NP Burpees
AMRAP 28:00
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters
80 Low Box Runners
20 Alternating Goblet Reverse Lunges
20 Burpee Over Dumbbells
– Count one foot for reps on the Low Box Runners or replace them with a Jump Rope Skill.
Coach Nick (barefoot as always) Sarah, Ryan, Matt and Cloyde hitting an Overhead Squat and Running workout back in 2009. When we were still based out of the Brooklyn Lyceum we would occasionally take the barbells across 4th avenue and perform workouts on the then desolate side street.
Tips for Self Discipline Renaissance Periodization
Was Nick doing the runs around Gowanus barefoot!?! 😫
Lol, this was during the barefoot running craze and Nick was our defacto ambassador. Hippies at heart, few of us used to run around the Lyceum block, and then eventually Degraw St, sans shoes. Good times. Always fun to hear comments as we passed by.
PS – I always preferred actual barefoot to those 5 Fingers foot glove things 😜
Hey I was a proud Five Fingers wearer for a few years, and always judged the folks that would go completely barefoot on the streets of NYC 🤣
Not sorry at all that I’m in Philly this weekend and won’t be doing this WOD!
Oh man! What a throwback picture!!! “Miss” those days of sidewalk wods. 😉