Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am
Today’s Programming
30:00 For Quality and Load
Bike 2:00
Bench Press 15 Reps
Farmer’s Carry 130m
Bike: Keep it at a steady aerobic pace.
Bench Press: try to stay unbroken for 15, but make it challenging.
FC: Use two Kettlebells to talk down to 3rd ave or Homage Skate Park and Back
3-4 Sets of:
:30e Copenhagen Plank
20 Theraband Face Pulls
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
2 – 3 Rounds of:
10 Alt Scorpion Stretches
10 Wall Facing Snow Angels + Retraction
10ea Single Leg Glute Bridge
A1. Single Arm Glute Briddge DB Floor Press
4 x 8 – 12 Reps Each
A2. Single Arm DB High Pull
4 x 8 – 12 Reps Each
A3. Plank w/Reverse Fly
4 x 8 – 12 Reps Each
EMOM x 15
1. 20 KB/DB Swings
2. 15 NP Burpees
3. 30 Alt Supermans
4. :30 Wall Sit
All smiles during Murph.
Coach David on the “Best Hour of Their Day Podcast” Also available on spotify, Youtube and most major podcast streaming services.
Love all these first mile smiles 🙂
Miss you guys!