Today over 90 CFSBKers are taking on our 14th annual Memorial Day Murph challenge! This is the first in person “event” we’ve had since last year and are very grateful for finally getting to the point where we can share this holiday with the community again. We’re looking forward to an incredible summer and its been so great to see so many familiar faces coming back to the gym as well. Good luck to everyone being courageous enough today to take on this mentally and physically challenging workout!
Michael Murphy, Memorial Day & K9s for Warriors
This workout is dedicated to United States Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy who perished in 2005 during combat in Afghanistan. Michael Murphy was posthumously awarded the medal of honor and purple heart for his service. He was also CrossFitter who created this workout which he originally called “Body Armor” because he would perform it with his body armor vest that would be worn during deployment. This workout was later renamed “Murph” in his honor and is performed all over the country and beyond on Memorial Day. With this workout, we not only come together for a good cause and personal challenge, but to also reflect on the human cost of war and commemorate on those who have lost their lives in the armed services.
Each year we offer this workout for free to all our members and ask that they instead make a donation to K9s for Warriors, a non profit organization that trains and provides service animals for veterans suffering from PTSD. You can donate via the link below or at the kiosk we’ve set up at the gym.
Donate to the CFSBK’s K9s for Warriors fund here
What to expect
Our coaches will be running 90 heats of 16 athletes through this workout. We’ll do a warm-up, workout review and make time for any specific questions you might have. There will be some light refreshments (seltzer, fruit) available for folks all day. Check out yesterday’s blog post to see some different scaling and set up options for this workout. Any specific needs can also be addressed by your coaches.
We encourage you to post something about your experience to social media using the hashtag #CFSBKMURPH we’ll re-post in our stories all day!
Have fun and get after it, everyone!
For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty or fourteen pound vest, wear it.
2021 Virtual “Murph”
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
5e Dumbbell Bent Over Rows
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Followed by a: 1, 1.5 or 2 mile run
After the AMRAP ends, we’ll end class and you can finish out with a 1, 1.5 or 2 mile run/jog depending on personal ability. We recommend you plan your route out ahead of time.
The WOD took me longer than I thought but I did it. Every year I’ve done Murph It gets tougher to do.