CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Today’s Programming
Back Squat
Level 2
5×5 @65%
Level 1
3×5 Across
Choose a programming path appropriate for you. Level 2 is an intermediate/advanced program for people who have been consistently squatting heavy for at least 6 months to many years.
Level 1 is great for people who have been lifting less than 6 months, who are resetting or don’t have a true 1RM to work from. Monday and Saturday’s Level 1 squats will follow identical rep and set schemes. If you’re going to be coming on both Mondays and Saturdays (or perform these on a la carte days) then be more conservative with your weight jumps per session. Even 5lbs total can add up quickly. These should be performed as sets across for all the work sets. Lifters should start the cycle at a conservative weight where they feel like they’ve got 4-5 reps left in reserve. If time permits, 4, or even 5 work sets may be performed.
EMOM 15:00
A: 50 Double Unders
B: 25 Kettlebell Swings
C: 5-10 Strict Chin-Ups
Perform 5 rounds of the EMOM
DU: If you hit 50 double unders you can call it, otherwise perform as many doubles as you can within the minute. If you’re doing alternating 2 steps or singles, perform AMRAP 1:00.
KB Swings should be ubroken or two sets with a short break.
Chin-Ups: If you’re performing strict chins, the reps may go down through the workout as you fatigue. Don’t do more than 10 or less than 5 in any given round. Scale to banded, ring rows or self assisted.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
2 – 3 Rounds:
:15 Prone W Hold
12 Alt Squat Thoracic Rotations
6 Reverse Yoga Push Ups
A1. Single Arm Waiter Squat
3 x 8 – 12 Reps Each
A2. Single Arm High Pull
3 x 8 – 12 Reps Each
4 Sets Of:
:30 Push Ups
:30 KB/DB Swings
:30 V Ups
:30 rest
Rest 2:00
4 Sets Of:
:30 Low Box Runners
:30 (:15ea) Side Plank
:30 NP Renegade Rows
:30 rest
Stella about to fly!!!!
12 Books About Women Athletes That Will Keep You Glued To The Page – Buzzfeed
Just look at those open shoulders. Stunning photo of a stunning athlete!! Go Stella!!!