CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Teens/Preteens: 4:30pm
Today’s Programming
Deadlift + Hang Power Clean + Push or Split Jerk
Work up to a heavy but technically sound single on the complex.
AMRAP 15:00:
10 cal Row
5 Strict HSPU
12 cal Row
6 Strict HSPU
14 cal Row
7 Strict HSPU
16 cal Row
8 Strict HSPU
18 cal Row
9 Strict HSPU
20 cal Row
10 Strict HSPU
Continue up the ladder for 15:00 seeing how far you get. Sub Shoulder Presses out of the rack for Strict HSPUs
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
7 Inchworms w/2 Alt T Rotations
14 Burpee Kick Outs
7 Goblet Goodmornings
14 Butterfly Sit – Ups
DB/KB Complex
3 – 5 Sets Each Side of:
8 Single Arm Suitcase Deadlifts
+ 6 Single Arm Hang Power Cleans
+ 4 Single Arm Press/Push Press/Push Jerk
+ 2 Single Arm Hang Squat Cleans
Sara G during Memorial Day Murph last year.
This training template will take us from 5/10/21-6/20/21. The weekly template is listed below by day. There will also be a bias towards workouts that prep us for “Murph” scattered into the first few weeks of the cycle.
Lower Body: Cleans
Clean variations and complexes as stand alone lifts or integrated into mixed modal workouts.
Upper Body: Pressing
Alternating weekly bias between overhead and horizontal pressing
Lower Body: Back Squats
Choose a programming path appropriate for you. Level 2 is an intermediate/advanced program for people who have been consistently squatting heavy for at least 6 months to many years. Level 1 is great for people who have been lifting less than 6 months, who are resetting or don’t have a true 1RM to work from.
Level 2
Wk1: 5×5 @65%
Wk2: 4×5@70%
Wk3: 4×5@75%
Wk4: 4×5@70%
Wk5: 4×5@75%
Wk6: 3×5@80%
Tuesdays Level 2 squats will have a strength bias, while Saturday’s Level 2 squats will have a speed bias. Intermediate and advanced lifters can use their recent 1RMs from the last cycle to apply %s to the following 6 weeks of programming. After the cycle we’ll retest a heavy single.
Level 1
Wk1: 3×5
Wk2: 3×5
Wk3: 3×5
Wk4: 3×3
Wk5: 3×3
Wk6: 5×1
Monday and Saturday’s Level 1 squats will follow identical rep and set schemes. If you’re going to be coming on Mondays and Saturdays (or perform these on a la carte days) then be more conservative with your weight jumps per session. Even 5lbs total can add up quickly. These should be performed as sets across for all the work sets. Lifters should start the cycle at a conservative weight where they feel like they’ve got 4-5 reps left in reserve. If time permits, 4, or even 5 work sets may be performed.
Upper Body: Pulling Strength
Strict pull-ups, kipping pull-ups, horizontal pulling etc.
Upper Body: Pressing
Alternating weekly bias between overhead and horizontal pressing. Wednesday and Monday’s press biases will compliment each other.
Wednesdays assistance and conditioning will often be for quality, skill based or bodybuilding style programming versus higher intensity conditioning.
There is no lower body bias but there is always an intention to perform well rounded workouts that can include things like carries, swings, step-ups etc.
A La Carte Strength
This day you’ll be able to choose your own strength focus with options that relate to prior or upcoming days. We’ll provide 4-5 options for a primary exercise and you’ll also have the option of making it into a super set with a lower skill bodyweight or dumbbell exercise.
Metcons will be varied and compliment the surrounding programming.
Lower Body: Hinge Bias
We’ll be performing cleans, deadlifts and similar hinge biased exercises
Wednesdays assistance and conditioning will often be for quality, skill based or bodybuilding style programming versus higher intensity conditioning.
There is no upper body bias but there is always an intention to perform well rounded workouts that can include things like holds, carries and some lower volume pressing and pulling.
Lower Body: Back Squats
Choose a programming path appropriate for you. Level 2 is an intermediate/advanced program for people who have been consistently squatting heavy for at least 6 months to many years. Level 1 is great for people who have been lifting less than 6 months, who are resetting or don’t have a true 1RM to work from.
Level 2: Speed Squats
Wk1: 5×5@ 45%
Wk2: 5×5@50%
Wk3: 5×5@55%
Wk4: 5×5@50%
Wk5: 5×5@55%
Wk6: 5×5@60%
These lower % weights are intended to have the concentric portion performed at high velocity. Follow the tempo of 3-1-X-2. Speed squats are great for developing production of high threshold motor unit contractions. If you remember your high school physics, force= mass x acceleration. We can still produce high levels of force with lighter weights (mass) if we keep the speed on the way up (acceleration) as fast as possible. Sets should be performed with 60-90 second rest periods.
Level 1
Wk1: 3×5
Wk2: 3×5
Wk3: 3×5
Wk4: 3×3
Wk5: 3×3
Wk6: 5×1
Monday and Saturday’s Level 1 squats will follow identical rep and set schemes. If you’re going to be coming on Mondays and Saturdays (or perform these on a la carte days) then be more conservative with your weight jumps per session. Even 5lbs total can add up quickly. These should be performed as sets across for all the work sets. Lifters should start the cycle at a conservative weight where they feel like they’ve got 4-5 reps left in reserve. If time permits, 4, or even 5 work sets may be performed.
Upper Body: Pulling Strength
Strict pull-ups, kipping pull-ups, horizontal pulling etc.
A La Carte Strength
This day you’ll be able to choose your own strength focus with options that relate to prior or upcoming days. We’ll provide 4-5 options for a primary exercise and you’ll also have the option of making it into a super set with a lower skill bodyweight or dumbbell exercise.
Metcons will be varied and compliment the surrounding programming.
#bringbackthesnatch 😉
hehehe, noted, DR