Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Virtual Yoga: 7am
Pilates Happy Hour: 6:00pm
Today’s Programming
Option A: Back Squat 3×5
Option B: Bench Press 3×5
Option C: Strict Chin-Up 5×3
Option D: Shoulder Press 3×5
For today’s strength segment, choose an exercise that corresponds to what you have not performed in the prior few days or what you’re least sore from. Note that tomorrow we’ve got Back Squats and Pull-ups in the workout.
Kettlebell Snatch
EMOM 12:00
A: 10 KB Snatches (L)
B: 10 KB Snatches (R)
C: 1:00 Plank
After the skill review with the Kettlebell, perform a DB or KB snatch using a challenging load that allows you to go unbroken with good form.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Trisha B chasing that pump
What Was America Doing in Afghanistan? – The Atlantic
O.G. Trisha B!!!