CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am & 12pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Today’s Programming
Back Squat
Perform three sets of 6 reps on the back squat leaving 1-3 reps in reserve. Move well, feel good!
30-20-10 reps for time of:
Wall Ball
This one might sting.
Scale the wall ball weight and height such that you can perform sets of at least 10 reps unbroken.
Scale the burpee to Squat Thrusts (no push-up) if needed.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
2 – 3 Rounds:
6 Squat to Crawl Out
6ea Elbow on Knee External Rotation
12 Alt Sit Outs
A1. KB Sumo Squat
4 x 8 – 12 Reps
A2. Single Arm DB Chest Fly
4 x 8 – 12 Reps Each
A3. L Sit or Tuck Hold
4 x :20 – :30
Sumo Squats – try to find something at home to elevate your feet.
For Time:
22 – 16 – 10
Single Arm DB Thrusters
DB Thrusters: Perform 11ea on the first round, then 8ea, then 5 each.
Adam coordinating his entire outfit and barbell.
shout out to any teachers out there, or anyone involved in High Schools. A friend of mine sent me this post about an essay contest regarding Basic Income Guarantee (think Andrew Yang). Here’s the blurb – there’s also a flyer but I don’t know how to attach it so if you ask me for at my email rgreenspan at me dot com I can send. I can also put you in touch with my friend who is working on it.
I am writing because I was wondering whether there might be any way to disseminate the attached high school essay contest to the high schools you are connected with. I am part of the planning committee for the 19th Annual North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress, taking place from June 17-19 this year. As part of the congress, we are conducting a high school essay contest on the Universal Basic Income this year. I’ve attached the announcement to this email. The deadline is May 19, 2021. We are hoping to recognize the winning essay (and perhaps two runner ups) at the 19th Annual North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress taking place (virtually) from June 17-19 this year. There will be a $300 cash prize for the winning essay.
And the announcement is attached.
Let me know. Thank you!!
p.s. we do have a process for getting parental consent for the student with the winning essay, as we realize that would be required for awarding the cash prize.
I <3 UBI