CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Active Recovery: 10am
Today’s Programming
A1: 5 Sumo Deadlifts
A2: 1:00e Side Plank
A3: 15 DB Chest Flys
Take 25-30 minutes to work through the three exercises above. Aim for 4-5 total sets. Keep the Sumo Deadlifts submax and just look to move consistently through the three exercises.
Tabata Tasters Choice
Perform 8 rounds (3:40) of :20 on :10 off on either of the following movements: Row, Bike, Double Unders, Sit-Ups or Kettlebell Swings
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
This Satanic Celine Dion shirt Jenn is rocking is the real winner of this year’s Open
Do your legs feel like $#!T?
If you performed 21.3&4 Friday or yesterday, you’re probably moving pretty slowly by now and could use a little TLC. Check out Virtual Active Recovery with Coach Fox TODAY at 10am!! Time well spent!!!
New Cycle Starts Tomorrow
The following cycle will last for 6 weeks weeks and take on a new rotating format. The Lower body bias will remain consistent on M-T-W and F-Sa-Sun while the upper body bias on each day will rotate over the three weeks. After three weeks the template will reset at the week 1 biases and start over. For example tomorrow, there will be a Squat and Overhead Press bias in the programming then on Tuesday there will be a Hinge and Horizontal Push (bench press/push-ups etc) focus. While other movement planes will appear on these days, the intent is for the majority of load/volume to be on the focus movement planes for the day. Thursdays will have a more varied programming to round out the week and include some regular skill work.
Wk1:Overhead Press
Wk2: Horizontal Push
Wk3: Pull
Hinge (Clean or Deadlift)
Wk1: Horizontal Push
Wk2: Pull
Wk3: Overhead Press
Single Leg
Wk1: Pull
Wk2: Overhead Press
Wk3: Horizontal Push
Skill Day (Kettlebell Snatch/Kipping/gymnastics)
Wk1:Overhead Press
Wk2: Horizontal Push
Wk3: Pull
Hinge (Clean or Deadlift)
Wk1: Horizontal Push
Wk2: Pull
Wk3: Overhead Press
Single Leg
Wk1: Pull
Wk2: Overhead Press
Wk3: Horizontal Push
That shirt is SO GOOD and so is the DAD BOD shirt Jen had on yesterday. She is winning at life.
Go Jen!!!