Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 10am
Today’s Programming
CrossFit Open 21.1
For time:
1 wall walk
10 double-unders
3 wall walks
30 double-unders
6 wall walks
60 double-unders
9 wall walks
90 double-unders
15 wall walks
150 double-unders
21 wall walks
210 double-unders
Time cap: 15 minutes
See the full standards and workout description here
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
Equipment Free Open 21.1
For Time:
1 Wall Walk
10 Lateral Jumps
3 Wall Walks
30 Lateral Jumps
6 Wall Walks
60 Lateral Jumps
9 Wall Walks
90 Lateral Jumps
15 Wall Walks
150 Lateral Jumps
21 Wall Walks
210 Lateral Jumps
Time Cap: 15:00
If you’ve got a jump rope at home consider giving the standard version a crack!
Coach David gives some tips going into 21.1
Morning Versus Evening
Hey everyone! If you’re participating in the Morning versus Evening competition, make sure to wear your team colors to the gym today! Evening team should wear black and Morning team should wear blue!
Good luck to all the shoulders today!
Yeah, good luck… suckas! Bwahahahaha!
You’re next, loser
*still crying*