CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Active Recovery: 10am
Today’s Programming
Perform 5 sets of 3 chin-ups, either with enough assistance or resistance to make three reps challending.
5 Intervals of:
:30 max Cal Bike
:30 AMRAP Burpees
4:00 Rest
Transition directly from the bike to the burpees. Go hard on these intervals and keep your scores as consistent as possible. Move around (stretch, DROMS, walk to 3rd ave and back, light bike etc) during your rest periods.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
March 8th-March 29th
This cycle will only last three weeks through the CrossFit Open. We will bias movements that we know won’t be in the open (see below) as well as movements that were already programmed as open workouts are released. This template may be subject to change based on what comes up however we think this basic plan will work for most contingencies. Intensity may be a big higher on Monday/Tuesady with volume and intensity begining to taper down on Wed/Thur/Fri to allow more recovery before Saturday’s workout. As always, all workouts will be comprehensive and challenging, whether or not you’re participating in the Open.
Bench Press
Week 1: 3×10-12
Week 2: 3×8-10
Week 3: 5×5
Single Leg lower body bias incorporated into assistance/metcons.
Cleans & Strict Pull-Ups
Both movements will vary in execution, either as the dedicated strength segment or within assitance/emoms/metcons.
Overhead Press Strength
Bias toward Handstand Push-Up strenth as well as Single Arm or DB overhead Pressing strength and stability.
Back Squat
Week 1: 3×5
Week 2: 3×5
Week 3: 3×5
Work sets are intended to be across (the same weight) each session increasing each week. Individuals who are doing the Open may be a little more conservative with this progression to save their legs for Saturday.
Varied- based on Open workout programming
Open Workout!
Varied- based on Open workout programming
Movements that will not be in the Open
Wall Ball
All the normal stuff thats not ever in the open (KB, anything out of a rack etc)
Movements that will be in the Open
Single arm DB 50/35 movements
Double Unders
Box Jumps
Barbell Work